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School Site Council (SSC)

Effective SSC Members

Effective SSC Members

  • Are committed to a shared goal - improving student achievement.
  • Listen and respond to others in an objective and productive way.
  • Take on different roles in the group in order to accomplish shared ends.
  • Are open and honest with one's ideas, concerns, and values.
  • Are able to be a leader as well as a follower.
  • Do not carry hidden agendas into the meetings.
  • Come prepared with their materials and good ideas.
SSC Roles and Responsibilities

SSC Roles and Responsibilities

  • Develop and approve the school plan and all proposed expenditures in accordance with all state and federal laws and regulations.
  • Recommend the school plan including related budget expenditures to the local governing board.
  • Provide ongoing monitoring of the implementation of the plan and budgets/expenditures.
  • Revise the school plan, including expenditures, timelines, and evaluation criteria, as needed.
  • Participate in all local, state, and federal reviews of the school’s program for compliance and quality.
SSC Documents 24-25

SSC Documents 24-25

AGENDAS/MINUTES - Documents are in English and Spanish
August - 8.29.24 English; 8.29.24 Spanish
Zoom Link: Click here
September - 9.24.24 English; 9.24.24 Spanish
Zoom Link: Click here
October - 10.15.24 English; 10.15.24 Spanish
Zoom Link: Click here